Symposium 2014
+++ April 9, 2018 +++
Dear colleagues,
The 2nd Symposium on Orchid Bees is over and was again a great success! We had 40 participants from 14 different nationalities! Thank you all for coming and making this an outstanding symposium. We are looking forward to meeting you at the 3rd one!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
+++ March 20, 2018 +++
Dear colleagues,
We are only two weeks away from the 2nd International Symposium on Orchid Bees, and we are happy to announce that 37 scientists from 11 different countries have registered!
Please consult the venue section of this web site to find information on travelling to and from La Gamba.
For people travelling from San Jose to La Gamba on the morning of April 4th there is the option to catch a specific Tracopa bus that leaves the bus terminal at 6:30 AM. This bus will take the coastal road (which is faster than the mountain route) and will arrive at Villa Briceno ("kilometro 37“) shortly after noon. It is a regular public bus, but it will provide the opportunity for participants to travel together. If this fits your travel schedule, please send a brief email to both Thomas and Santiago ( and to let us know that you would like to be on that bus. We will coordinate the purchase of tickets ahead of time, and we will have our trusted taxi driver (Julio Vargas) deliver the tickets to you, either at your hotel or at the Tracopa bus station (Calle 5, Avenida 18) briefly before departure. If you stay at a hotel in downtown San Jose, Julio can also pick you up there and take you to the Tracopa bus station in the morning of April 4th. Julio has a mini-van that can fit up to eight passengers with luggage. If you chose this option, please let us know which hotel you are planning to stay and also provide a phone number for us to coordinate.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in La Gamba!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
+++ December 15, 2017 +++
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce that so far 32 scientists from nine different countries have registered for the 2nd International Symposium on Orchid Bees to be held in La Gamba, Costa Rica, from April 4 to 7 in 2018!
In essence that means we are fully booked, but if absolutely necessary we could probably squeeze in another person or two.
A preliminary program and schedule of scientific talks has been posted on the program page. Note that we had to trim some of the titles to fit them in. A detailed program, including posters, all authors and affiliations, as well as abstracts will be available at the conference.
For travel preparations please keep checking the venue section. For people travelling from San Jose to La Gamba in the morning of April 4th there is the option to meet at the Tracopa bus station to catch a joint bus, e.g. the one at 6:30. If this fits your travel schedule, please send a brief email to let us know. We will coordinate the purchase of tickets and post developments on the website.
All the best and enjoy the time between years!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
+++ October 24, 2017 +++
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce that so far 26 scientists from eight different countries have registered for the 2nd International Symposium on Orchid Bees to be held in La Gamba, Costa Rica, from April 4 to 7 in 2018!
We currently have space at the station for only 5 more participants. In case you plan to participate, please register soon! See the Symposium website on how to do this.
In case you wish to give a talk, please send an abstract no later than November 30th to containing a title, full author affiliations, and abstract (max. 200 words). If you are interested in presenting a poster instead, please indicate so in your email. Posters will be exhibited around the conference venue. There is also the possibility to present both a poster and a talk.
For information on travel arrangements please visit the ‘Venue’ page, where you will find suggestions for accommodation in San Jose and transportion to the La Gamba station.
We very much look forward to meeting you in Costa Rica next April!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
+++ September 12, 2017 +++
Dear colleagues,
There are still a few open slots for the 2nd International Symposium on the Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of Orchid Bees, which will be held at La Gamba Biological Station near Golfito, Costa Rica, April 4-7 2018! We encourage you to register as soon as possible as space is limited!
We are excited to announce a limited number of student travel awards of up to US$500 per student. To be eligible, applicants must present a talk at the Symposium, submit a scientific abstract and include an explanation of why they need the funds (150 words maximum).
The symposium will have an informal format to promote discussions and enhance interactions among participants. There will be talks, open discussions, field exhibitions, and organized hikes. We will host scientists from different nationalities with diverse backgrounds, bringing together a substantial part of the active euglossine bee research community, including students new to the field as well as seasoned euglossiologists. Confirmed keynote speakers include Tamara Pokorny, Scott Armbruster, Jim Ackerman, Fabio Nascimento and Robert Paxton.
We very much hope to see you in La Gamba in April 2018!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
+++ January 30, 2017 +++
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2nd International Symposium on the Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of Orchid Bees to be held in La Gamba Biological Station near Golfito Costa Rica in April 4 to 7, 2018!
The first symposium in 2014 was a great success (see old Symposium web site) and we are now organizing the second installment in 2018. As before, the meeting will provide an outstanding opportunity to bring together scientists interested in diverse aspects of the biology of euglossine bees, including chemical ecology, sensory biology, sociobiology, pollination biology, community ecology, systematics, and conservation biology.
The symposium will again take place at the La Gamba research station and will have an informal format to promote discussions and enhance interactions among participants. There will be a limited number of talks, field exhibitions, and organized hikes. We will host scientists from different nationalities with diverse backgrounds, hopefully bringing together a substantial part of the active euglossine research community, including students new to the field as well as seasoned euglossiologists. Due to the limited space available at the La Gamba Biological Station (max. of 35 people), registrations will be processed on a first-come first-served basis. Confirmed participants in 2018 include Scott Armbruster, Jim Ackerman, Fabio Nascimento and Robert Paxton.
We very much hope to see you in La Gamba in April 2018!
Santiago Ramírez & Thomas Eltz
